
Oliver Baumann, Captain of Hoffenheim, is at the TSG in his “alles irgendwie spät” passion – he wants to put a man at ease. The signal team will never arrive in Schwung.

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Hoffenheim's Torwart Oliver Baumann | Photo: Swen Pförtner (dpa)

Hoffenheim’s Torwart Oliver Baumann Photo: Swen Pförtner (dpa)

The TSG 1899 Hoffenheim will meet with new trainer Christian Ilzer during the winter break. It was 0:0 against FCSB Bucharest in the Europa League that the Kraichgau did not play. The next season will be in the Bundesliga for the next season between Borussia and Dortmund (Sunday, 5:20 PM). Football National Team Oliver Baumann has power over the Vereinspolitik mitverantwortlich für the swingige Lage.

“It’s not all that easy this season. It’s never been so blind,” said the captain after the next damage to the international Parkett. Everything is “irgendwie spät passionert”, erklärte Baumann. Is there a transfer action on the Trainerwechsel? “Everything.” The Kraichgauer first played the key to the rapid development of long-term manager Alexander Rosen with a new player in the summer, but the big players are still not very good in their camp. If you spend a week under Pellegrino Matarazzo by the chef coach in Ilzer in November, it is now no longer possible to eat.

Viele Dinge “af die Mannschaft eingeprasselt”

Baumann said with a look at his eyes: “In this man’s way, it is important. A person will naturally write something. The Jungs try, they work, they work. That’s all.” During play, man has often had the opportunity to use the new system of training in training.

The response to the Vierer-Abwehrkette was very good. In the midfield of the 47-year-olds with top talent Tom Bischof, Anton Stach and the most involved Abräumer Diadie Samassékou saw, the tribe was financed. In the offensive, in the Jacob Bruun Larsen, the rumänische Spitzenreiter drei Chancen is destroyed, chops es. The ex-leverkusener Adam Hlosek – with a valuation of 18 million euros teuerster Einkauf – will no longer be a Fremdkörper. Routine Andrej Kramaric feels its effectiveness.

In Dortmund, so Baumann, is proud of the fact that Mannschaft “enjoy a successful Kampf”. Wettbewerbsübergreifend since the Kraichgauer sechs Auswärtspielen ohne eigenes Tor. A Dortmund – with the ex-Hoffenheimer Stürmer Maximilian Beier – presents the best Heimteam of the League with its Siegen and a Remis.

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